Working at Nilacandi
Open positions are listed under the Jobs menu. We are opening a new office in Denpasar, Indonesia. Join us and enjoy the start-up spirit!
Nilacandi is an equal-opportunity and inclusive employer. Our values are people-centred. We want our customers to be happy of our services, and this can only be achieved if our employees are happy at work. The management is attentionate, accessible and we encourage suggestions and 360° evaluations.
“We work to live, we don’t live to work.”
At Nilacandi, management is keen to let employees enjoy their life first and foremost. Read more about our work schedule and benefits below.

Work Schedule
We don’t ask for overtime, except in rare emergency situations. We ask employees not to work more than the legal weekly hours because we know people need to rest and live their life outside work in order to show creativity, quality and efficiency at work. Any overtime is thus compensated the following week.
We offer flexi-time working hours: employees may arrive and leave the office at any time and take as long as they need at lunchtime, as long as the legal amount of working hours per week is reached on average over the month. Employees can take a day off or holidays at any time with courtesy prior notice. Sick leaves are part of life and we prefer our employees to take the time needed to take good care of themselves and fully recover.
Nilacandi employees are never expected to reply to any communication during their holidays or time off.
Common Benefits
Salaries are based on experience and results. They are not influenced by gender. Salary is paid on a 13 months basis: the 13th month is paid once a year. There are sometimes bonuses based on specific company or personal goals.
Other Benefits
- Remote work is possible on a part-time basis, depending on the position.
- We provide the devices and data plan so you can work from anywhere.
- We offer training and access to book libraries as required for the job.
- Travel expenses, if any, are fully taken care of and a daily allowance is included.
- More benefits will be added as the company grows.
How to Apply?
Check open positions in the Jobs menu and send an email in English to with a short introduction and attach your CV. Not sure how to write a good CV? Use the Europass CV Editor.
The perfect candidate that matches all requirements almost never exists. Have you found a position you would love to do, but your profile is not a 100% match? Don’t stress! Check our job offer requirements: some are “must have”: if you have most of these, but you believe your experience compensates for one or two missing, feel free to apply and explain your specific situation. Our other requirements are “nice to have”: we prefer candidates that have them, but they are not mandatory. We are humans hiring humans, so we will look at your profile as a whole, with your experience, your soft skills, your education, your motivation. We try to see your potential, not just a few marks on a checklist. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try!
English level requirements
We are an international company, active in the aviation domain. English is therefore our working language, both within the company and with our customers. We hire candidates with the minimal level of English command indicated in the following list. We may hire employees below these levels if their profile matches extremely well otherwise, and they show motivation to learn English.
- CEFR: B2
- TOEFL iBT: 72
- TOEFL PBT: 532
- IELTS: 6.0
- TOEIC: 645
- ICAO: level 4 or level 3 with better scores in some skills